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New Title Alert!

This just in from B&N....a NEW Gregory Maguire book is coming out September 11, 2007.

OMG it's going to be agony waiting for this to hit paperback...


Natalie Weaver said...

Of everyone in my life- we are the only ones who like the work of Gregory Maguire. Everyone else just hates him... isn't that strange? Hmmmmmm. Well, gracias for the new title 'alert'--

bookworm27 said...

So weird! I ADORE him! Well...most of him anyways...the only one that I haven't really cared for much was "Lost". Otherwise I love the new twist on the old fairy-tale-esq stories. So in-depth. My fav's have been the Cinderella & Snow White rewrites and of course Wicked.

kch said...

ok...I haven't read one of his book...but I've been wanting to....when I catch up with my current stack, I'll put some of his titles in the "to read" stack.