Also read Point of Honour by Madeleine Robins. Again, another great Mystery! This one really reminded me of the Irene Adler series...Have you read those Nat? They are sort of a spin-off of from Sherlock Holmes. Anyway, not going to super elaborate but I was very satisfied with the mix of strong female character + mystery + historical + romance!
Oh yes, I do have to say I also finished off the trashy romance novel A Wicked Gentleman by Jane Feather....it was pretty good...the plot was definitely different from the usual romance with a bit more of adventure thrown in. Also rather funny, I liked the old Duchess who makes a few appearances in the novel. Wouldn't it have been fun to be so imperious? :)
Also, in the way of drinks...try something Naked! So far I've only had the Mighty Mango...but I have Red Machine in my fridge to try. Refreshing, heavy juice flavor, medium priced (when you consider what we pay for coffee), 2 serv./bottle, claim is 1 lb. of fruit in every bottle!
I've recently picked up 2 more hysterical romance novels...one of them is the sequel to the Web series (can't think of the title right now).
Just realized I hadn't answered your question yet-- yes, I read the Irene Adler series when we very first started our book swapping a couple years ago. Awwww... aren't we cute.
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