Ok, so ya'll forgive me ya'll b/c I've been reading CrazyAuntPurl ya'll and she say's ya'll like every other word/sentence!!! But she's so DAMN FUNNY! OMG, I want to be a crazyblogwriter just like crazyauntpurl! And I might have to reinvestigate knitting.
Ok, so anyways...I'm not sure what the love will be for this book for those of you who didn't watch The Tudors this past spring on Showtime. For me however, who did watch the Tudors b/c they are fascinating and I swear I'm descended from royalty somewhere down the line and o-m-g the costuming for it ya'll is AMAZing, I really enjoyed it.
It's told from the point of view of Cathrine, wife number 6?8? She wasn't super clear, but anyway obviously the last one...and it's told from when she was a child. Apparently she grew up sort of in/around his court to begin with and ended up marrying him much later on when he was old and going downhill but he sort of trusted her b/c he'd known her a long long time.
But, try it and see if you like it. Trust me tho the Tudors sort of helped with the explaining who everyone was and gave me a pretend face for them b/c the author didn't really describe the side characters much. Oh, and I can't WAIT for season 2....they always leave off somewhere dramatical.
Oh, and a note about the author Carrolly Erickson...I think I may have to investigate her further b/c she is a crazymad non-fiction biography writer! Most on Cool Royal People like Bloody Mary, Mistress Anne, Great Catherine, Josephine, Alexandra, just to name a few from her title list. She also has another fiction that I'm going to have to find called The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette. Way Cool.
ok...these sound like books I'd really be interested in reading!
I was crazy about "The Other Bolyn Girl," and with the many wives of Henry VIII, so when you and you're mom finish this, would love for you to pass it along- Gracias!!
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