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The Historian

I'm not especially intrigued with all the YA vampire-themed novels/series that are popular right now, however, this book is so filled with intriguing historical details and characters that they overshadow the supernatural aspects. For anyone who has traveled Europe--especially eastern Europe--I think you'd find this an especially interesting read.

Somehow I wasn't "in the loop" last summer when Lisa, Natalie, and Kari read this. I picked this up for $1.00 at Half-Price Books...great read...highly recommend it.


Natalie Weaver said...


I am bored with the Twilight craze, but "The Historian" will always be a book I will treasure!

Natalie Weaver said...

I really want to read this again...

Currently reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels that HBO created "True Blood" from. Their fun, but I admit that "The Historian" will forever and always be the best 'vampire' book I ever read!

bookworm27 said...

Yeah, this was great! I loved it...!