Having lived in a rural community like Lake Emily, MN, the characters and story ring true: the isolation, the dependence on nature and market prices, the peaceful countryside, the bountiful (or meager) harvest, and especially the relationships -- the community that arises to provide hope and unquestioned support during both celebrations and heartaches.
This book came to me via Paperback Swap...but I cannot remember why I placed this on my wish list. DePree is known for editing and writing Christian novels, and I'm not known for being a lover of Christian fiction. But although this book does incorporate a strong strand of Christian message throughout, Can of Peas is a well-crafted storyline and contains powerful characters...and it all works well together. I started reading and had trouble putting the book down when it was time to turn out the light. I found the ending particularly compelling -- life is a full circle of joy and heartache.

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