Ok, so my Grandmother made off with this one immediately, before I could make a post on it. Basically, it's set in medival England and centers around several key characters and the building of a cathedral and all of the challenges the town and people face along the way with the church and with each other.
Oh, and by the way...it's epic. I'm not usually a page-counter but over 900! Which made for a nice long juicy read! I couldn't put it down...I think what I liked most is that it followed the characters through their lives -from young to old- not many books do that and stay interesting the whole time. It has definetly made me a fan and I'm going to try to go pick up something else by him at the public library to see what his other stuff is like.
Also, we have a Starbuck's competitor on the island...called Saxby's that I gave a whirl the other day. Mainly, b/c they are much closer to my house! ha! I tried a standard fav non-fat, no-whip, vanilla latte :) it was sweeter tasting than bucks...dunno if I can make the switch! Tho they may have the frozen catagory going for them...a ton of choices! Brownie, cookie, fruity, oh my!
Gram bought the newest paperback Follett book at Half-Price....and as we drove off, she read a note that a reader had penned inside the cover--"Every author is allowed one flop. This one is Follett's."
Ha! So is she still going to read it?
Why I love our book swap-- "Pillars" first read by Tim, given to Lindsey, passed on to me, on to Kari, and now with Gram... that makes me happy.
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