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My obsession with Paulo Coelho

His books have "sold more than 30 million copies in 120 countries and have been translated into 51 languages." I now understand why. I have read "The Alchemist," "By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept," and "Veronika Decides to Die." I haven't been able to pass these along to others because I read them again and again. I scribble and highlight and ponder and cry and remember and dream... There is something in his story-telling that somehow makes you think he is talking directly to you. (I was convinced when I read "The Alchemist" that it was specifically written for actors/performers. I later realized that everyone thinks that of their own occupational dreams when they read it.) Of the three, that one is my favorite, but I have been deeply moved by each of them.
The very first line of "Veronika...Die" is, "On November 11, 1997, Veronika decided that the moment to kill herself had- at last!- arrived. She carefully cleaned the room that she rented in a convent, turned off the heat, brushed her teeth, and lay down."
Interest piqued yet??


kch said...

I'm not familiar with this author or the titles.....will have to investigate.

bookworm27 said...

Yes, very should share! :P