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The Art Thief by Noah Charney

I just finished reading The Art Thief. I had heard it was good; but, like Kim, I tend to drag my feet sometimes when others say it's wonderful. The plot started out slowly, with the theft of several artworks - in Rome, Paris, and London. Seemingly unrelated, the plot thickens as inspectors, art historians, gallery & museum curators, art lovers, and forgers all get involved...and intermingled. If you like art history and a good mystery, this one is for you -- really! Noah Charney is a first-time author, but creates believable characters who speak with authority - probably because Charney himself is an authority: he is the founding director of the Association for Research into Crimes Against Art (ARCA) and holds degrees in art history.


kch said...

This sounds right up my alley!

EKE said...

Bill loves a good mystery, so he picked it up when I finished. So far, he's enjoying it.

bookworm27 said...

Sounds cool!

kch said...

I am almost finished with this book....have enjoyed the plot twists. I think it could have used one more edit before publishing. I'm not usually picky about such things, but I almost felt compelled to get my red pen out and start marking! lol So unlike me when reading a book!