I've been trying to catch up on all those children's classics I missed as a kid. I wasn't quite the reader then (Now don't you worry, I was ALWAYS a reader!! But, I was very interested in the mysteries and mysteries only at that time. Hence my obsession with Nancy Drew.) Within the past year I have read the entire Chronicles of Narnia, original Alice In Wonderland, and What Alice Saw (is that the correct title??), Wizard of Oz, and now I'm halfway through J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.
What am I missing?
I have never read Treasure Island, so that's one to put on the list, but other thoughts/ recommendations of a classic children's tale I've missed??
How about the original Bambi? How about original Anderson and Grimm's fairy tales? Adventures of Tom Sawyer--Anne of Green Gables--Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates--Heidi--Little Women--Wind in the Willows--Wrinkle in Time series--http://childrensbooks.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=childrensbooks&cdn=parenting&tm=7&gps=64_3_846_595&f=21&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.neh.gov/projects/summertime-4to6.html
Read the Anne of Green Gables Series(LOVED THIS!!!! Although the first two of the series I think are the best, I don't think I ever finished the very last one...there are 8 in the whole series), The Borrowers, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Little Women (there are sequels to this too..Little Men, Eight Cousins), Treasure Island, The Swiss Family Robinson, Huckleberry Finn.......and I am a freak about Sherlock Holmes. I read them all...did you too? Since you liked mysteries?
YES to all those you've mentioned in comments - also 101 Dalmations, Swiss Family Robinson, Black Beauty, Black Stallion (and all the rest in that series -- some mysteries there, too!), the Borrowers series, and then some of the "newer classics" that include Bridge to Terabithia, all of the Roald Dahl books, the Earth Sea trilogy, Dragon Drums (first in a trilogy for young readers)...and one of my favorites, North to Freedom (republished as "David" by Ann Holm)
And look up anything by Margurite Henry....(not sure I spelled her first name right) examples are: Brighty of the Grand Canyon, Misty of Chincoteague, Black Gold, etc. They are all "horse" books...I went through a phase. :-) But they are all really good, or at least I remember really liking them when I 10.
Read Black Beauty, Black Stallion... other horse tales- all bored me. Used to own the entire Anne of Green Gables series, loved each and every one... hmmmm, wonder where I've stashed those. Obsessed with Little Women, but had no idea there were sequels, will look into that, Loved Wrinkle, Wind...Willows, Heidi, Tom Sawyer... MUST re-read the original Grimm's again... thanks, Ladies!!! xoxoxoxoxo
the 3 muskateers by alexandre dumas, a swashbuckling story, you'll love it!
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