Homestead...loved the began in late 1800's in a small village located in the very western tip of Austria. Each succeeding chapter was a later year, but would skip gaps of years. Each chapter would focus on a different person or family in the community which you'd already "met" in a previous chapter. It ends in 1977, if I remember correctly. Think of all the historical events that happened during that time in Europe. It was very interesting and insightful. The only problem I had with it was my lack of experience with pronouncing the German place names and people names. I want to pronounce things correctly in my head! [I'm sending this one to Esther to read where it may get passed on to her mother and sister, etc. before it comes back to me.]
The Masque of the Black Tulip is the 4th in the Pink Carnation series which Kari and I have really enjoyed reading. This one was a bit slower for me to get into, but probably because it has been so long since I've read the third one! It picked up for me as soon as I devoted some time to reading it at length.
A Flaw in the Blood is a new author for was an unusual plot and very fast paced! It begins with the death of Queen Victoria's husband, Albert and races off with murder and mayhem galavanting all around Europe all because someone wants to know why there is a "flaw in the blood" the royal blood....which we know as hemophelia. Quite entertaining. The two main characters are an Irish lawyer and a female doctor who happens to be the niece of THE Dr. Jenner. Oh, and there is an evil best friend from childhood of the Prince Consort.
The Tailor's Daughter is also another new author for me, but I'm really enjoying the story so far. Set in Victorian England (can you tell I'm on a reading "theme"?), it tells the story of the daughter of a tailor who has an establishment on the famous Savile Row in London. She has the talent and passion to be a seamstress, however, her mother has much higher aspirations for her--such as marrying into the aristrocracy instead of sewing for them. Veda becomes ill and loses her hearing and the story really begins.
Jubilee Trail....I bought this book because Sandra Dallas recommended it so highly as great historical novel and it has a 5-star rating on Amazon along with all the review rantings and ravings about how great it is. It is lengthy...almost 600 pages....and in the length of time I have been reading it, I could have traveled the Jubilee Trail! It's the story of a New York socialite freshly graduated from a finishing school who is bored beyond tears when she suddenly meets a young man who offers adventure and excitement. They marry and thus begins one adventure after another with an interesting cast of characters. I don't know why it is taking me so long to finish this book! I was shocked to find out after I bought the book, that it had actually been published in the 1950's!! I don't know what the story is about re-printing it now....I saw it on shelves in bookstores and Target forever.