I reread this OP book because I remembered it as one I really enjoyed, but I couldn't remember the details of how the women pulled off the robbery and then righted the wrong. Once again, I enjoyed the women's ability to triumph over a men's world well before the more vocal feminist movement. I found many passages overly long and would have loved to edit them, but the descriptions of the land and the relaxed Italian way of life made me want to book a trip to the Tuscan countryside! All in all, a quick, satisfying read. No murders, no violence, no bad guys vs good guys -- just a good surprise mix of mystery and artful woman-power!
NYTimes article written at the time of the author's death in November 2003: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07E0D61438F937A25752C1A9659C8B63
Maybe I should read this in hopes of figuring out my own bank robbery plan. Between working on three shows right now, and the stressful day-job, I wish I could just rob a bank, get my millions, quit my job, and do no-pay theatre for the rest of my life. Is that possible????????
What an intriguing story! This really happened???
No, it didn't really happen -- It's all fiction. But it's a fun and credible premise! If you want to read it, let me know, and I'll send it your way.
Ooo! I want to read it too! It sounds like so much fun! Maybe it would give us some ideas Nat...:->
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