My Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog


A Poison Season...& some housekeeping.

I'm really enjoying all the Victorian era books lately...I can't decide which of the two series (those by Alexander or those by Robins) that I like best. I won't go into major details since mom has pre-posted them...just thought I'd say I'm liking them tho-- I think I'm really drawn to them because they are more mystery stories than really lovey-dovey romanc-y stories although there is a tad of that thrown in for amusement.

Kristi Stubbs will be joining us soon so a big 'Howdy & Welcome' to Kristi...which led me to the idea of maybe putting each others addresses somewhere? To mail and pass along the books? Or does that weird ya'll out to have your addy up? I dunno who has privacy issues... :)


Natalie Weaver said...

Could there be a way to post our addresses without having them displayed at all times? A link in the blog that grants access to all addresses?

kch said...

I think someone can just be the keeper of addresses...if you need it, then we can contact the keeper. Besides, I think we all have each others addresses.

bookworm27 said...

Ok, then I hereby nominate Mom to be the address keeper...since she probably has them all anyways...