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The Witch of Cologne

Rich in historical details set in 17th century Germany, this novel does an excellent job of illustrating political, religious (Jewish & Catholic), and societal issues of the period.

Ruth is the daughter of the local rabbi who also happens to be a trained midwife. Despite the fact that she is only 23, she's gained the reputation of being the best and so she finds herself called on by the Catholic population. Add a Catholic Canon who falls in love with Ruth and a Spanish inquisitor to the plot and you have a wonderfully entertaining (not to mention a tad educational) story.

Despited the titillating cover (which gives it more of an S & M appearance in my opinion, than a historical appearance! lol), I recommend this as a good satisfying read!


bookworm27 said...

Ooo, that looks cool! Bring it when you come down!

bookworm27 said...

Began this one today...